I Got A Lotta Work 2 Do
I'm sitting here watching Obama's State Of The Union Address & he said jobs is the top priority 4 2010. I hope so cause I need some money, I'm tryin' 2 get money off this blog & it's harder than I thought. The recession put me outta college & outta work, I'm calm & confident now but in 2007, 2008 who knows depression would be @ an all time high. I'm afraid 2 think about what I would've done 2 myself but then I was able get some wack jobs. I guess what made me different then I was 2 years ago was my best friend D-Nyce who passed away almost a year ago & in our 12 year friendship I only seen him mad like 3 times, he's never mad. Even thru hard times he brushes it off like nuttin', me I can't do that as much as him. He tough me 2 smile more even when situations ain't good cause if you're not havin' a good day now 2morrow can be better. Damn I miss my nigga... Ok enuff rambling back 2 the drawing board...smh.
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1 comment:
I'm sorry you're having trouble finding a job. It sucksss. If I knew Beyonce I'd tell her to apologize.
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