Yesterday my lights went out & just when I thought it was me, my parents didn't have any lights either (they live on the 2nd floor). I thought the lights will come back on when I get back home from my daily job hunting but I was wrong, I got home by midnite & staved. I can't eat cause the microwave & stove is out, I had 2 put everything in the freezer & the whole house was cold. The only thing left 2 do is sleep. I haven't had this problem since I was 6 & @ that time my dad said this only brings the family closer so we had Chinese food & talked until bedtime. Now we was further apart when the lights went out, we did our own thing & went 2 sleep...lol. Earlier this morning I was stuck waiting 4 the electric guy 2 show up & turn on the lights & he wasn't showing up. I gotta job interview @ 1pm so I had 2 leave @ noon. An hour ago just when was gonna head 2 my job interview the electric guy decided 2 show up...smh. So the lights are on & I had 2 reschedule that interview 2 Monday so everybody's happy now :) This just hit me as I was typing I'm gonna hit yall wit a throw back video from School House Rock...lol yall remember that shit, we was kids once...lol.
Check out the video...
Yeah when that girl wrote that, I didn't respond. Cause I felt awkward.
LOL I figured most dudes wouldn't enjoy the video, but BOY i sure did.
I'm happy you got your lights back on though!
LMAO!!!! LMAO!!!! oh shit... that was the joint and still is... E-LEC-TRICITY.. EEEEEEEE-LEC-TRCITY..
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